We really enjoyed a visit to the Iowa State Capital in Des Moines and were amazed when we saw this magnificent capital building. The main dome rises over 270' above the ground and is gilded with actual gold leaf.

Inside was just as amazing. There is wonderful artwork throughout the capital and the dome is really inspiring as you look up at the top.

Orinda is very impressed with this grand staircase. Take a look at the great mural at the top of the stairs -- a wonderful review of the first pioneers as they came to the Iowa territory.

Or course, Rick was very pleased to see this incredible model of the USS Iowa on loan from the US Navy. I would guess this model is probably 25' long and is fully detailed.

Take a look at this cornerstone! This makes it pretty clear where we are, lest we forget!

The capital sits at the head of a great common area that leads downtown and makes for a great view as you approach. The gun next to Orinda is a Civil War mortar used for siege shelling. Iowa was very involved in the Civil War as can be noted by the monument below.

This monument is a very moving remembrance for all the Iowans who fought in the Civil War and to those who gave their lives in the conflict. Located directly across from the capital, there are monuments for several conflicts. A very moving place to ponder history.
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