One of the very interesting aspects of Arizona is the amazing variety of desert plants -- especially cactus plants. Orinda wandered around our part of the park today (while Rick was chasing the golf ball) and took pictures of some interesting plants.

We are not yet cactus experts and so do not have an idea of the names of these, but they are very pretty to look at.

This is one of my favorites and represents the classic cactus shape to me. These are very rubbery plants and excel at preserving water.

These are beautiful plants and apparently take very little maintenance which is just what is needed. We have to remember that the temperature in the summer is near 120 at times.

I did not realize the wide variety of cactus plants that are available. Some are tall and thin such as the one below, while others are very low growing and thick. These add quite a bit of interest to our daily walks through the park.