We had a great couple months at Palm Creek RV Resort in Casa Grande, AZ, but it was time to head to Florida to visit with my parents. This is an interesting trip as we travel first in desert terrain, then hit the hills of Texas, and finally the coastal areas of Alabama into Florida. We followed I-10 for most of the way and found that the road was great most of the way.

Shortly after leaving Casa Grade, we stopped for fuel at Kingman, AZ and found ourselves on one of the few remaining parts of the original Route 66. We thought about how much longer it would take on the old two lane "Mother Road" as compared with the I-10 interstate.

Here we are hitting the state line of New Mexico. We are sure still in the desert area and thought about how comfortable we were tooling along in the motorcoach. We stopped at a nice RV park in Demming and headed out the next morning.
Finally, we hit Texas. We were again amazed at the size of the state -- heck, this is more like a small continent. You can count on traveling almost 900 miles on I-10 while in the great state of Texas! To put this into perspective, this is about the same distance as driving from Orlando, FL to Baltimore, MD! First, we drove in flat desert terrain, but after a few hundred miles, encountered hills, trees and lakes. Amazing! We want to come back to Texas and really explore this huge state.
Texas is a big place, but is sure is interesting-at least in some parts. Have a safe journey.
HI.. Oh Yeah Texas is a doozie.. We stopped in PECOS on our way to Oceanside, CA.. PECOS Home of the FIRST rodeo..So they say.. Stayed at TRA PARK to rest one night(Escapees).
Take care..
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