Thursday, May 10, 2012

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

 Our RV park in Sieverville, TN was close to the Great Smoky Mountains where we were going to tour. However, Rick was delighted to see this early 1950's Cadillac parked behind an RV. Now that is a real tow car!

A few miles away is the famous National Park. This is one of the most visited parks in the country and we could certainly see why. The trees were in full leaf, but in that new, light spring green color that is so beautiful.

The road passed through this archway of tall trees and we learned that most of these trees had been planted by the CCC back in the 1930's. 

Orinda learned that the CCC workers were paid $30 a month, but sent $25 of it home to their family. The workers built the road we were on, retaining walls around streams, and the scenic turnouts such as this one. 

 While the visibility was not great due to these low clouds, we still greatly enjoyed the mountains. It is also easy to see how the park got its name -- the Smoky Mountains. We could see how the clouds made the mountains look smoke covered as you can see here.

Orinda liked the many, small steams that gurgled past moss covered rocks. While this drive only took a morning, we really enjoyed it and would recommend it to folks in the Gatlinburg area.

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