Monday, May 7, 2012

The Flowers in Biltmore Gardens -- Amazing!

Located a short walk from the Biltmore Estate are the famous gardens designed by Frederick Law Olmsted (he also designed Central Park in New York, among many others). These are magnificent gardens planted with a very wide variety of plants. 

While Rick is not a great horticultural expert, he does love flowers, so enjoy these pictures even though Rick did not remember to get all the correct names. How about this gorgeous "Purple Star Flower" (not its correct name, I am sure!).

Orinda loved these as well and was amazed at all the flowers.

These roses are spectacular with varieties that we certainly have never seen before.  

In addition to the fabulous gardens, there are also many hot houses to tour which contain all sorts of exotic plants such as these located below. 

It was hard to move through the houses since there were so many wonderful plants to look at. This was just a kaleidoscope of color.

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