Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Visit to the Wayfarer's Chapel and Point Vicente

Yesterday while the guys worked, Irene and I went to the Pacific Coast Highway starting at San Pedro and going north. We had a destination in mind, The Wayfarers Chapel ( ) also known as the Glass Chapel. This unique chapel has walls and ceiling of all glass. Much smaller than the Crystal Cathedral it faces the Pacific with a magnificent view of Catalina Island. This chapel was designed by Lloyd Wright , son of Frank Lloyd Wright. The Chapel honors Emanuel Swedenborg ( ), an 18th Century scientist and theologian. Unfortunately, I forgot the camera, but a visit to the website is a must to view this magnificent structure. It sits on 3.5 acres of beautifuly landscaped gardens and has a visitor's center and carillon. It is located in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA.( )

Traveling a little further north, we saw the Point Vicente Lighthouse . This is a whale counting area and it is also home to the Point Vicente Interpretive Center . They have a great group of exhibits about local geology, history, whaling, and Marineland which used to be a short distance to the south but closed a number of years ago.

The views along here are too amazing to describe...clear blue skies on the day we went, with blue, blue seas and light winds.

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