Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sunset on the Seal Beach Pier

This was our last night in Southern California so Jerry and Irene suggested we go to the Seal Beach area for dinner and a walk on the pier at sunset. It was a great idea. Here, Orinda is next to the seal statue which represents the seals that swim in the area.

Orinda and Irene stroll on the pier after a great dinner. This was a beautiful evening to take a walk on the dock.

Directly off the pier are several oil drilling rigs which are working to extract oil. You can see a large tanker just behind it waiting to enter the port of Long Beach.

This work boat was bringing crew members from the oil platform to the pier we were on. It was a pretty good sized boat and made quick time from the platform.

Here they are! Jerry, Irene, and Orinda at the end of Seal Beach pier. The pier is probably 1/4 mile long and goes way out into the Pacific. There is a small cafe on the end that is supposed to have good food, but we had already eaten at a great seafood restaurant.

Orinda and Rick had a wonderful time at Seal Beach and in southern California. Jerry and Irene were great hosts and we saw some great sights.

Sunset at Seal Beach! A beautiful end to a great two weeks. Now, it is on to Temecula, CA to the Outdoor Resort there. We are looking forward to it.

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