Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Coos Bay Boardwalk

 We planned to visit the boardwalk at Coos Bay to see the marina and historic tugs, but Rick got distracted by this beautiful 1958 Chevy! Rick had the chance to talk to the owner who has restored this car to excellent condition. Cool!

 After seeing the car, we crossed the street, with a cup of coffee, to the boardwalk.  This facility runs about 1/2 mile along the bay and is home to a small marina as well as some working tugboats.
 The marina offers berthing spaces to some local boats as well as cruising boats that stop over for a few days.

 Next to the boardwalk, Orinda saw this tree that was bent by the prevailing north wind that seems to blow most of the time. Indeed, you can see the flag at the left blowing right along -- with the wind from the north.

 We enjoy walking around marinas and looking at the various boats, but the boardwalk offered a few extra features.

 In this case, our pleasant surprise was the KOOS No. 2 historic tugboat. This tug was built in 1924 and worked until 1987 in the Coos Bay area. Rick was interested to learn that the tug had its fourth engine installed in 1957 (a Cummins) and had run some 100,000 hours by the time the tug was donated to the city.

Today, the tugs are much, much larger as these ocean going tugboats currently in use show. These tugs are many times larger than the old Koos #2, but still serve much the same purpose. The boardwalk was a great visit and we enjoyed soaking up the maritime past of the area.

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