Saturday, May 26, 2012

Texarkana, - a town with a split personality!

Texarkana is a town that straddles the Arkansas/Texas border. The town was established over 100 years ago and celebrates its interesting issue with regard to the state line. 

One example of this is the Federal Building and post office seen above which is located directly on the state line. Indeed, the flag pole you see above is on the line itself. 

Here Rick is in Texas while Orinda is in Arkansas. We learned that this is the only government building located in two states!

Orinda straddles the two states after she bought some stamps in the Post Office. We learned that the street the building is on is called State Line Avenue with the state line running right down the middle.

 This beautiful monument is the Confederate soldiers monument from the Texas side. The unusual part of this monument is that it also includes the Confederate soldiers mothers as well.

 Texarkana was established in 1873 as a railroad town. During the heyday of the downtown, some 9 railroads crossed the city. Rick was therefore pleased when we ran across a new rail museum called the Lindsay Rail Museum in downtown.

 The museum had just opened and offered a number of interesting pictures of the area, including this one from the early 1900s that shows what a bustling town it was in those days.

 Orinda enjoyed the museum displays that showed the town in days gone by. The owner of the museum was there working hard to set up new materials, so I am sure it will be even better in the future.

 Texarkana had quite a streetcar system in the early 1900's as shown by this car. There were a couple of firms that provided the service, although all evidence of the lines are now gone.

Today, the main street where the street cars used to run is quite calm by comparison as most development has moved out of town after the railroads left the area.

Texarkana was an interesting stop and we enjoyed learning about the area.

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