Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Oklahoma Fire Fighter's Museum - Great visit

 We were surprised at the number of excellent museums in the Oklahoma City area. One that we learned about is Oklahoma Fire Fighters museum, located in Oklahoma City.
Needless to say, our four year old grandson, Caleb, was thrilled to visit fire trucks! He wasn't sure what to see first and zipped around these old, hand pumped  and asked what they were. I think he did not believe me when I told him these were really old fire engines!
This exhibit, showing the horse drawn engine cleared everything up for him. He wondered why they used horses instead of trucks? Rick had the opportunity to explain that there were no trucks back in the day!

Now this is more like it says Caleb! Two year old Abigail was happy to pal around with Grandma Orinda and really was not too interested in all these fire engines!

 Rick was really interested in the old gear and thought this 1913 White fire engine was very impressive. The fire engines in the museum were beautifully restored and wonderful to look at. In fact, look closely at the White above and you can see the engine crank in the front. Glad I do not have to crank our motorhome that way!

 This 1920 ladder truck was built by the Stutz firm (of luxury car fame) and is in pristine condition. This rig looked like it had just arrived from the factory.

Newer rigs were also exhibited with this engine from the 60's. It was fun to see the differences that 40 years made in the design of the engines.

Here a great comparison between a 1920's and a 1930's engine can be made. The technology was rapidly advancing in fire fighting equipment. 

Perhaps the highlight of the museum for the kids was the excellent playground the museum offers (obviously, they have had kids visit before!). We took a rest after our museum visit to play here and to let the kids enjoy their new souvenirs they got from the museum store.

The Fire Fighter's Museum is well worth a visit and very interesting if you are in Oklahoma City.

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