Friday, May 7, 2010

The old home site in lower South Carolina

We visited Orinda's mother and had a chance to see the old homestead where she was born. We stayed at a local state park in Cheraw which is a very nice, smaller park with about 15 RV sites. This works great for exploring the area.

This is the old house where Orinda's parents lived when she was first born. This old house is a lesson in history and shows how small farms were set up in the 50's. There was no indoor plumbing in the house and very minimal insulation -- a far cry from even a basic house today. Fortunately, right after Orinda was born, the family moved into their new, much nicer home.

These old places have a charm all to their own, although I am certainly happy that houses have advanced . Our Tour motorhome looks pretty good in comparison.

The farm where Orinda grew up was focused on growing tobacco, which was a really labor intensive operation. Orinda has lots of memories pruning the tobacco, harvesting the leaves and curing the final product. I suspect that is why she never was interested in smoking!

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