Saturday, October 3, 2009

Visiting Vicksburg, Mississippi and the Coca Cola Museum!

We spent a couple of great days visiting Vicksburg, MS. Known for the famous Vicksburg battlefield, we found much more to explore in addition to the battlefield (which I will post next). Our first stop was the excellent visitor's center which is located right next to the river.

Naturally, being right on the river, flooding is a common concern. However, it was hard to imagine how dramatic these floods really are. These flood marks give an idea as to the amazing heights these floods can reach.

The marks really do not give a feel for how high these floods are-- however, these marks when compared to the current river height show the real impact. Notice that these are some 50' above the current river level. Wow -- I would hate to be anywhere around when these

We learned about the Coca Cola Bottling Museum at the Visitor Center and of course, had to go for a visit. This is the site of the very first bottling of the original Coca Cola. Up until this took place in the late 1894, Coke was sold as a fountain drink only.

It was great to see the old bottles that were actually used and learn how the bottling took place. This was really a huge change in the soft drink business.

Imagine using this equipment to bottle Coke! You could bottle ONE bottle at a time and had to wear a special mask in case the bottle exploded! The bottler would work all morning bottling Coke and then deliver the prepared drink in the afternoon. A far cry from today!

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