Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Visiting Spokane, WA -- a great stop!

We had the opportunity to touch base with Larry and Shirley, good folks we met last winter in Arizona while we visited Spokane. It was great to see them again as well as have them show us the highlights of the area. In addition to taking us to see Spokane, we visited Coeur d'Alene, Idaho and had a great dinner overlooking the marina. What a beautiful place this was!

The next day, we got the full tour of the Spokane area while Larry and Shirley showed us around. One of our first stops was at the Glover Mansion, a magnificent home that is now used for receptions and special events. This 12,000 sq. ft. home was incredible.

Our next stop was Manito Park, which as you can see, offer incredible gardens and displays. We were really impressed to see such wonderful flowers as well as unique plants from all over.

There were two green houses that hold tropical plants of all kinds. One house featured desert plants while the other displayed magnificent flowers.

This interesting flower was typical of the many, many flowers that surrounded us. What a great way to spend a couple of hours with friends.

Spokane still had much more to offer and we had a late lunch at the Flour Mill building in the Clinkerdagger Restaurant. This historic structure is right on the falls of the Spokane River and we had lunch directly overlooking the water. After a great meal, we walked along the Expo '74 area where the World's Fair was held in 1974. This is all a beautiful park area now and we had a great time! Be sure to check these areas out if you go near the Spokane area.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like your having such a good time and how nice that you can share it with your friends... Where are you off to next?

    Have Fun & Travel Safe
