Monday, April 13, 2009

At Tanglewood RV Park in Sebring, FL

Well, I have been a bit slow adding to the blog, but we successfully arrived in Sebring, FL to visit Rick's parents in early April. We are staying at Tanglewood Resort, where we have stayed in years past. This is still a nice resort, but certainly does not begin to compare with Palm Creek in Arizona where we spent the winter. We have enjoyed visiting friends and the evening of live entertainment as shown with Cody, the photo dog, above!

Rick is still sailing his RC sailboats and there is a very active group of sailors here in Sebring. We have a couple of different ponds to sail at and this one located close to Tanglewood, is at the Sun'n Lake community. Rick is holding his "Soling" sailboat which is about 3' long.

We sailed last Thursday, but had very clam conditions. Still, this makes for interesting racing since all the boats end up fairly close together. Rick was happy to end up in the first couple boats on several races.

Here are the "skippers" working hard! This is a great group of folks and it is fun to race with them.

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