Sunday, January 18, 2009

Caleb's First Birthday and Visiting around Palm Creek

Caleb turned 1 on Saturday and REALLY liked ice cream with wipped cream as you can see. I think he is wearing about as much as he ate. 

Here he is getting ready for the big party. He can really drink quite a bit, but of course that soon results in a diaper change!

Caleb liked Cody and was really interested in him. He especially liked to pull Cody's ears and Cody did not seem to mind (he is a nice old dog!). 

We did quite a bit of walking around Palm Creek and Caleb liked seeing the many dogs. Here, we say hello to Lilly, a wonderful West Highland Terrier. She is a very friendly dog and likes everyone.

Here is the team ready to go. Rick, Cody and Caleb set for a tour of the park. 

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