Monday, January 12, 2009

Caleb Arrives at the Coach!

I have been pretty slack in posting to the blog because we have had a great time and been very busy here at Palm Creek. I will try to make up for my poor posting from now on, but no real promises. 

Orinda is one happy camper since we visited Bob and Kum cha today and picked up a very active and happy Caleb! He is doing great and is very busy. He will be staying with us for the next few days and Bob will pick him up again on Friday (and also he and Kum cha will join me for a round of golf). Orinda is very happy to be Grandma and have her grandson over for a visit. Cody and I are second (or third) fiddle for sure.

Caleb is a wonderful little boy that is interested in everything. Cody seems to really like him (and Caleb is thrilled with the dog). I think Caleb will be doted on by every grandmother in the park (and there are alot of them!). 

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