Tuesday, October 14, 2008

To California and the Mohave Desert

We left Laughlin, NV and motored on to Barstow, California. We drove most of the day through the huge Mohave Desert which is a very impressive sight. This area was much bigger than I had expected and is measured in the many miles.

I was amazed at the mountains which had no vegetation on them at all. A very desolate, but enchanting area and a beautiful one.

Upon arrival at Barstow, we went to the Fred Harvey House which was built in 1911 as a rail hotel and inn. Unfortunatley, the house was closed (it is open on the weekend), but it was a beautiful building that now houses two museums.

While the museum was closed, there were several great rail displays outside, so all was not lost!

I always love to get up close to engines and equipment, so this was great.

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