Thursday, October 16, 2008

Rick takes up golf

I enjoyed the game of golf over the years, but gave it up for a number of years due to some health issues. I have decided that it is time to give the game another shot, so decided to take a look at the new equipment. I was amazed at the advances in the clubs today and decided to go ahead and get a new set. I settled on what I think to be a great set from Cleveland Golf called the Hibore XLI Irons that are some of the new hybrid irons. I was delighted at how well I struck these clubs, although aiming still needs some work.

I also looked at a different driver, but was not at all pleased with the initial selection. Fortunately, I can exchange it for another one and will do so in the next few days. We will see how that works.

Bottom line -- I don't think I am quite ready for the tour, but had a great time using the new clubs and look forward to practicing in the future. Who knows, perhaps some day we will get down to that 18 handicap!

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