Sunday, September 7, 2008

Recalling our auction to sell all our "Stuff" -- One Year Later

Well, it has been a full year since we had our big auction and sold the accumulation of belongings that were acquired over 30+ years of married life. We took the opprtunity to think back a year ago as we prepared for the auction then watched all our stuff "hit the road" with new owners. Quite an experience!

We spent about 6 weeks getting everything ready for the auction and think that this was a big key to our success. Having everything clean and organized made the bidding process easy.

On the day of the auction, we distributed everything in lines around the house and really filled up the yard! There was alot of stuff!

Here are some of our reactions:
  • Did you really sell everything? -- Pretty much. We kept a few furniture pieces that Rick built, as well as a few special pictures, but other wise we sold virtually everything.
  • What kinds of stuff did you sell? -- You name it and we sold it. Furniture, pots, artwork, shotguns, tools, lawnmower, TVs, LP albums (yup -- the vinyl ones), half cans of paint, and many misc. items.
  • How long did this take? -- The auction setup started at 7:00am with the actual sale starting at 10:00am. We were done at about 3:00pm after auctioning about 500 unique "lots" or items. The cheapest thing went for $1.00, the most expensive for $2,150.
  • How many folks attended? -- About 500 came with 275 active bidders.
  • Do we regret selling everything? -- NO! In fact, we are amazed at how little we have missed our stuff.
  • How about Rick's wonderful woodworking equipment--certainly he misses that! -- Actually, not really says Rick. I was initially worried about the price my tools would get, but once they started to sell, I realized that prices were good and if I wanted, I could buy new tools later on with the proceeds.
Bottom line, we are happy with our decision to sell everything and enjoying our fulltime life!

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