Saturday, July 12, 2008

Visiting Ft. Snelling and Model RR Museum

While we were waiting for the FMCA rally to begin, and between volunteer assignments, we had the opportunity to do a bit of sightseeing. First, we went to Ft. Snelling which was the first settlement at the twin cities location. This fully restored fort dates from 1820 and is very interesting to walk through. There are a number of people recreating the roles of soldiers, workers, store keepers, etc. in the fort so that the fort comes alive. I really enjoyed the 28 star flag which originally flew over the fort. This is well worth a visit if you are in the area.

Next, we visited the Twin Cities Model RR Museum. Naturally, Rick thought this was great and it really was a wonderful O guage layout. Many, many model trains running though some excellent scenery.

A very fun day!

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