Thursday, April 24, 2008

Another day at Gaffney

Cody and I got up and at them early today thinking that our coach would have to go in for service right at 8:00. However, after all the coaches around us were moved into service and we were still in the overnight lot, we checked with the office. Turns out they are really booked today, so we will be on the back burner. No problem as we have plenty of time.

While in the waiting area, I talked with Frank, an RVer I met yesterday who had to stay overnight due to an unexpected problem. He did not bring a car, so is stuck in the waiting area. I invited him to breakfast (he even bought) and we had a very nice time talking about electronics -- he was a former faculty member at the AF Academy.

This afternoon, Cody and I went to the nearby Cowpens Revolutionary War battlefield. This was very interesting and I really enjoyed the walking tour. This was a very major victory for the early US and led to the victory at Yorktown later on.

Here is the Wonder Dog ready to hit the trail! We had a very nice visit and learned quite a bit about this battle. TO learn more, see the Battle of Cowpens

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