Monday, December 24, 2007

St. Joseph, MO in a blizzard!

Oh Brother!

We got an early start on Saturday, 12/22 expecting to drive south of Kansas City (about 400 miles). The weather was great, clear, but cold. Fortunately, the coach worked well and we tooled along in fine style.

Everything was great until we were about 40 miles north of St. Joseph when I saw a flake of snow. We checked for rv parks in the area and the only one that was open was the Beacon in St. Joe, so we set our sights for St. Joe.

The snow really began to come down about 12 miles north of St. Joe and we got in line behind the trucks as we slowly (about 10 mph) moved south as you can see from this shot. The coach worked great, but I was very happy to finally get into the RV Park. By the way, these are great folks -- they plowed our site for us before we parked (had almost 10 inches by this time) and made sure we were snuggly parked.

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